60 Minutes of dirty tricks

60 Minutes has produced another hit job on another American hero.  A few weeks ago they demolished the reputation of Three Cups of Tea author Greg Mortenson.  Now they're going after Lance Armstrong.

Armstrong accuses the show of "bad faith" and the producer of the show as "not being a straight shooter."
Armstrong displays the virility of his remaining testicle.
After doing two minutes of research, I've discovered the root of the problem.  It appears the executive producer of 60 Minutes is named Jeff Fager.

Oh.  Did you need further explanation?  The guy's name is Jeff Fager.



Still need more?

After a lifetime of teasing he's now getting his revenge on the cool kids.  Case closed.

Jokes aside, 60 Minutes might not be giving us a straight story.  It's possible that this smear campaign against non-fagers is a publicity stunt to stay relevant.  These recent reports are reaching the point of being as "fair and balanced" and believable as Fox "News" or the National Inquirer.

60 Minutes—your time is up.



  1. Just wondering what your definition of "hero" is?

  2. Um. Someone who builds schools in a country you and I pay to bomb. And someone who overcomes cancer to rock the europeans at a physically exhausting sport. Pretty heroic in my book.


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