Attack on Google

Google vs. facebook the government.

You've probably heard of facebook's attempted smear campaign against google.  You probably haven't heard that the U.S. government is fining google for $500,000,000.

The U.S. government (which thinks the internet is a series of tubes) outlawed foreign pharmaceuticals in an attempt to block sick people in the U.S. from getting cheaper drugs "for our protection."  Google advertised those prescriptions, so the government is fining them.
I got your money right here.  Oh. Wait.  Maybe it's in my other pocket.
(Edited by Double Birds)
This is another example of government passing illegitimate laws to "protect us" from ourselves, and then using those law to rob a legitimate business.

Want to get the economy up and running?  Here's a hint, jacka**es: stop hurting businesses.


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