Democrats + Republicans = War Party

Which party is the war party?


Jon Stewart began his Thursday show with some good-humored war-mongering against Pakistan.  In the very next segment Stewart and John Hodgman pretended to come up with a conspiracy theory to keep the "terror bubble" going, so that our war economy wouldn't suffer.

It's surreal.  They make up comical ways to keep people scared, but our government really does this.  Politicians create bogeymen like "threat level orange" to keep us all terrified enough to keep paying our war taxes and to keep submitting repressive laws.

Republicans swallowed mouthfuls of bullsh** from George W. about yellow cake and Al Qaeda in Iraq.  But Democrats swallow just as eagerly the unbelievable handfuls of crap from their mascot Obama.

Bill Maher, for example, said (in a Rolling Stone interview) that he disagrees with Bush's wars of Afghanistan and Iraq, but he loves Obama's Libyan war.

A reasonable man.
(Edited by Double Birds)
The problem is that believers in both parties believe unbelievable conspiracy theories invented by war-mongering politicians.  Someone comes up with a Bin Laden conspiracy, and he's a kook.  What about the original 9/11 conspiracy (that led us into Iraq)?

Take the following conspiracies/war-propaganda for example:

The U.S. is trying a Canadian-Pakastani for terrorism.  If convicted, the crime of this one man will be used to condemn an entire nation, and I don't mean Canada.

Another lawsuit is trying to implicate Iran with 9/11, as a pretext for war.  I can tell you this, Iran is as guilty as Iraq for 9/11, by which I mean not at all.  I have not altered this picture from the Daily Beast article:

He's obviously guilty.  His head was floating above the 9/11 towers.
Honest and intelligent men, like Stewart and Maher, are easily duped into believing the grossest perversions of reality, because they want so much for their man Obama to be everything he said he was when he ran in 2008.  If the facts don't fit, they ignore the facts.

Can you believe this smear campaign?  Will you, too, swallow this propaganda, and let your government waste more lives and money on useless and counterproductive wars?

Say no to war.  Vote Ron Paul.


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