Ron Paul is a crazy idiot

Michael Medved of The Daily Beast wrote that Ron Paul is an "addle-brained," "preposterous," "putrefying,""crackpot," "lunatic libertarian" "Mad Doctor,who proudly consorts with 9/11 Truthers and Holocaust-denying neo-Nazis," who also stammers.

With an entire Madlibs book of epithets, it's not surprising that Medved left no room for journalistic integrity or critical thought.

Why all the name calling?

It appears Ron Paul thinks that adults are smart enough to decide for themselves whether or not to have consensual sex with prostitutes, and whether or not to take narcotics into their bodies.

All of Ron Paul needs to be pixelated, because his opinion is so offensive to the status quo.

Medved takes the fanatical extreme in opposing free choice.  The government, obviously, should rid the world of sin, so that adults are not tempted to make bad decisions.  They know better than us sinful ignoramuses.

If that is the case, then Mormons, too, are stammering crackpot, addle-brained, lunatic libertarian, mad doctors who proudly consort with neo-Nazis; for we believe that free choice is essential to salvation.  Maybe that's why so many of LDS people find themselves agreeing with Ron Paul.

For LDS doctrine on free choice, see The Book of Mormon, the church website, and a dozen other talks by church authorities.

For another perspective on why Medved and others think Ron Paul is crazy, see Tom Woods' article.


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