Michael Moore wants to kill the messenger

1st Amendment be damned.  Michael Moore wants Obama to imprison those pesky critics at S&P who dared suggest that the U.S. might not have the best credit score.

"Kill the rich, and Utopia will follow!" —Michael Moore
(edited by Double Birds)

Truth be damned.  Politicians should be able to spend all they want, whether they have the means or not.  If they lack money, their buddies at the Federal Reserve can just print it.  How can they not pay their debts with that kind of power?

Unfortunately, you can't give something you don't have.  Money is not wealth, nor is it magic unicorn piss that we can sprinkle on all our problems to make them go away.  Printing money and throwing it at our debts will merely make our creditors angrier, as the inflated money we give them becomes worthless in their hands.

Moore seems to think the economy has a joystick that the rich can jerk around to make it do what they want.  Unfortunately, it's a bit more complicated than that.

I control the 'konomee.
(edited by Double Birds)
Getting rid of free speech won't save our economy.  An understanding of boom bust cycles might.  But for that to happen, we need more brave souls to stand up against the destructive economic meddling of politicians, not fewer.

Removing rights from undesirables is a disturbing trend.  First we imprisoned terrorist Muslims without trial.  They were bad guys, right?   They don't deserve rights, they're not Americans.  Next it's the rich.  They don't deserve their money.  They got it because they are greedy, and they've polluted the earth with their industry.  We should take their money from them, and imprison those who resist.

Rights aren't something we can give and take.  They're what make us human.  When we abandon them, even by taking them from our enemies, we erase the divide between civilization and destruction.


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