The Real Tea Party Is Anonymous

Most Tea Party people are honest folk who want to change the country for the better. But many of them have been tea-bagged by talk radio for so long that they have Glenn Beck's balls where their brains should be. A teabag ouroboros A rose by any other name would smell as sweet. But if you call a turd a rose, it's still a turd. You see, language can be misleading. The Patriot Act, for example, ranks among the most unpatriotic pieces of legislation ever dragged through the slimy halls of Congress. So too, the Bachmann-Beck Tea Party is not the real heir to the historic Boston Tea Party. When the Boston Tea Party destroyed thousands of dollars worth of merchandise to protest taxes, they dressed up as Indians to remain anonymous. They needed to protect their identities from their government in order to avoid prosecution for their crime. It worked. We still don't know who took part in the Boston Tea Party. The true children of those early American ac...