
Showing posts from September, 2011

The Real Tea Party Is Anonymous

Most Tea Party people are honest folk who want to change the country for the better.  But many of them have been tea-bagged by talk radio for so long that they have Glenn Beck's balls where their brains should be. A teabag ouroboros A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.  But if you call a turd a rose, it's still a turd. You see, language can be misleading.  The Patriot Act, for example, ranks among the most unpatriotic pieces of legislation ever dragged through the slimy halls of Congress.  So too, the Bachmann-Beck Tea Party is not the real heir to the historic Boston Tea Party. When the Boston Tea Party destroyed thousands of dollars worth of merchandise to protest taxes, they dressed up as Indians to remain anonymous.  They needed to protect their identities from their government in order to avoid prosecution for their crime.  It worked.  We still don't know who took part in the Boston Tea Party. The true children of those early American activists are the  hackt

The Insane Myth of Government Health Care

The question was this: A seemingly healthy 30 year-old man decides to not buy health insurance because it is too expensive.  He ends up in a coma.  Should we let him die? Wolf Blitzer loaded the question as a man would load bullets into a gun.  It wasn't meant to get an honest response.  It was meant to make a tv spectacle, and to make Ron Paul look bad.  Just as the debate was not meant to be an honest debate, but a show, a spectacle to befuddle the masses into a stupor between election cycles. The scenario seems like a case of rampant, inhumane capitalism versus merciful government intervention.  Our debates are usually constructed in similar anti-capitalist  false dilemmas , because establishment Republicans and Democrats both hate capitalism, and want to give more power to the state. Start at 2:30. The Daily Show with Jon Stewart Get More: Daily Show Full Episodes , Political Humor & Satire Blog , The Daily Show on Facebook The Republican audience cheered that he should die

Israel should go eff itself

Michele Bachmann sucks at reading the Bible. Every time you read the Bible, you translate it .  The words don't beam God's intent directly to your heart. You interpret, or translate, the meaning of the verses when you read it.  Entire churches are established on different interpretations. Bachmann's interpretation of scripture is horrific in its implication: " I am convinced in my heart and in my mind that if the United States fails to stand with Israel, that is the end of the United States. " I forgot to mention.  Bachmann also sucks at history.  The U.S. got along just fine for 140 years before Israel came into being. But back to the Bible.  Bachmann says: " we are inextricably entwined, that as a nation we have been blessed because of our relationship with Israel, and if we reject Israel, then there is a curse that comes into play. " She refers to Genesis 12:3 — "And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee

9/11—An Excuse to Kill More Injuns

Andrew Jackson became famous for killing Indians and stealing their land .  His policies have not become outdated, but have rather expanded. Americans would often treat an individual criminal act committed by someone of an "inferior race" as an act of war.   The crimes of one Indian made all Indians guilty, even Indians who belonged to white-friendly tribes .  Punishing an entire race for the crimes of one individual is known as collective punishment . As President, Jackson ordered the  Five Civilized Tribes to "voluntarily" remove themselves from the United States .  The Five Civilized Tribes had become civilized by, among other things, owning slaves .  If high school American history has taught me anything, it's that it's okay to murder slave-owners. This bib keeps my shirt clean from the blood and tears of Indians. Like the heroic Lincoln, who murdered  600,000 of them in order to free the slaves.  After the Civil War, Union veterans who had been paid t

Perry Scolds Paul

Paul explained what happened , but my take on it is better: This is in reference to how many people Perry has executed . Perry signed an executive order to force STD vaccinations on 12 year old girls . Perry held a prayer rally before starting his presidential campaign.

I would vote for Ron Paul even if he hated black people (he doesn't).

There's a lot of talk about Ron Paul being racist (he's not).  The usually reasonable Matt Taibbi even throws in  with the rest of the name-callers on this one.  Well, I'm going to one-up all of you. I'd vote for Ron Paul even if he was racist. Maybe you're racist against old white Republicans. That's right.  If Ron Paul thought that blacks evolved from Mexicans, and Mexicans evolved from sriracha , I'd vote him into public office. Why? For the same reason gays should vote for Ron Paul. Ron Paul thinks marriage should be between a man and a woman.  But he also thinks that individuals should be free to make that decision for themselves. As president, he wouldn't try to inflict his moral views on others.   He would take government out of marriage, and allow marriage to be free (to accomplish this within the restrictions of the Constitution, he would have to allow each state to decide how it would comply with this freedom). So if Ron Paul was the most back

Join the Pumpkin Revolt

Bureaucrats in Orem, Utah, are trying to destroy 71-year-old Darrell "Bud" Durrant's livelihood.  Durrant lives off of a $396 retirement.  The bulk of his income comes from pumpkins that he grows on his farm in Lake Shore, and sells from his yard at  112 W. 1600 N. in Orem ,  a distance of  17 miles . He's been selling pumpkins from his yard for 20 years.  But this year, authorities threatened to shut him down. Bud Durrant and his business partner, David Cook. Durrant appealed to the city, and so they will " allow him to sell through this year." City Attorney Paul Johnson said, " It's too bad the city hasn't enforced the law before now ." The city hopes to have a decision by the end of 2011, on whether or not he can sell next year. It seems to me, that shutting down small farmers during a recession is just plain stupid.  It's a cold, impersonal cruelty, that someone would destroy an old farmer's livelihood simply to enforce a nonsen