Israel should go eff itself

Michele Bachmann sucks at reading the Bible.

Every time you read the Bible, you translate it.  The words don't beam God's intent directly to your heart. You interpret, or translate, the meaning of the verses when you read it.  Entire churches are established on different interpretations.

Bachmann's interpretation of scripture is horrific in its implication:
"I am convinced in my heart and in my mind that if the United States fails to stand with Israel, that is the end of the United States."
I forgot to mention.  Bachmann also sucks at history.  The U.S. got along just fine for 140 years before Israel came into being.

But back to the Bible.  Bachmann says:
"we are inextricably entwined, that as a nation we have been blessed because of our relationship with Israel, and if we reject Israel, then there is a curse that comes into play."
She refers to Genesis 12:3
"And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed."
If the Bible were one verse long, and this were that verse, Bachmann would be on to something.  But because she has taken it out of context, Bachmann's proclamation is anti-Biblical, anti-Christ idolatry.

Genesis 12:13 is a blessing that God gave specifically to Abraham (an ancestor of Arabs and Palestinians, by the way).  This blessing did transfer to his children depending on their righteousness.

The Bible contains a history of many of the wicked, as well as righteous, deeds committed by Israel.  They had righteous kings and wicked kings.  They sometimes worshipped God, and sometimes forsook him for idol worship.

God surely did not mean for people to be blessed for supporting Israel in their wickedness.

Take this one for example:
"The Lord said also unto me in the days of Josiah the king, Hast thou seen that which backsliding Israel hath done? she is gone up upon every high mountain and under every green tree, and there hath played the harlot."
The prophet Jeremiah says that God called Israel a harlot.  Do you think God was telling this to Jeremiah so that he could "stand with them," or so he could tell them to stop sinning and repent?

Or how about this quote from Jesus:
"O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets, and stonest them which are sent unto thee, how often would I have gathered thy children together, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, and ye would not!"
Does Jesus want us to stone prophets, so that we can stand with Israel?  Or, to carry Bachmann's blasphemy to its ridiculous extreme, were the righteous those who stood with Israel, and its ruling body, in the condemnation of Christ?

Bachmann would deny this.  But we have not yet begun to reveal her blasphemy.

Bachmann does not say we need to "stand with Israel" when Israel stands with God.  No.  We need to "stand with Israel" in all things, in order to obtain blessings of the Bible.  We need to stand with them in their sins.  We need to stand with them when they reject the prophets.  We need to stand with them even if they rebel against God.

In other words, Bachmann puts Israel—the secular nation established by men—above God, and in place of God.  That is the definition of idolatry.  Michele Bachmann is an idolater.  And an anti-Christ, in that she puts obedience to Israel above obedience to Christ.
Idolatry is pretty.
Bachmann's beliefs are ridiculous.  But ridiculous ideas are the most dangerous, for a belief in them brings us to the edge of madness.

She would, if she had the power, bind up the U.S. and Israel into a permanent alliance, against the warnings of George Washington (who compared such alliances to slavery), and in defiance of God and reason.

I do not think Bachmann will win the presidency.  But her idea must be held in the light, where its true nature can be seen for the hideous falsehood it is.

Ron Paul, who keeps his religion to himself (like Jesus taught we should), thinks Israel should be free.  He said:
"I do not believe it is our place to dictate how Israel runs her affairs . . .We should respect Israel’s sovereignty and not try to dictate her policy from Washington."
Which is why I say Israel should "go eff itself."  I do not wish them ill.  I want them to be free.  They should be free to do righteously, and receive the blessings of God; or to sin, and lose the blessings of God (i.e. eff themselves).  The U.S. should grant them their freedom, and no longer treat them as a vassal state, or a god.


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