The Amish - Raw Milk Terrorists

Congress thinks they can tell you what to eat.

Most notorious is the federal war on raw milk, recently culminating in state troopers arresting an Amish guy for selling unpasteurized milk.

Your customs are strange, English.
A bill, passed by the Senate, is in the works that would be the equivalent of the PATRIOT Act for food.

This may seem like a good idea, in light of recent microbial outbreaks.  But these regulations are often lobbied for by the very industries they supposedly regulate?  Why?  Because bigger industries can, in effect, outlaw smaller competitors, and use the law to put them out of business.

Keeping America safe.
A small farmer, for example, could afford a cow, but not pasteurization equipment.  I might be willing to risk drinking raw milk to support my local community, but the government says I'm not smart enough to make that decision myself.

Well, the little guy is fighting back. Sedgwick, a small town in Maine, has passed a law that reserves to its citizens the right “to produce, process, sell, purchase, and consume local foods of their choosing.”

Imagine.  To be treated like an adult.  To be free to eat what you want.  What a world that would be.


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