Man jailed for being too poor to fish

Kyle Dewitt lost his job.  He's 19, engaged, has a baby boy.  He went fishing so his family could eat.

Local law enforcement fined him $215 for illegal fishing.

That's like 100 bucks per ounce!
He couldn't afford to pay it, so they threw him in jail for three days.

"Land of the freeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. . ."

Reminds me of the medieval law against hunting the king's deer.


  1. The comparison to "hunting the kings deer" is quite apt. I recently learned about the concept of allodial title. This is the title of who actually owns a piece of ground. In most cases the state owns the allodial title to all land (including private property). It is this title that is the legal basis for property taxes and hunting licenses.

    For more information:

    Supposedly it is possible to sue to compel the state to sell you the allodial title to your land. However, you should probably "own it" free and clear of all other encumberences asside from the state's ownership of the allodial title. The theory is that the supreme court has previously ruled that you do have the right to own property and that this right includes the right to hold allodial title.

    If you do hold allodial title to a parcel of land you do not need a license to hunt or fish on your land. Otherwise you are on the kings land and subject to the king's licensing, even in america.


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