Palin thinks your vote is worth piss. News media agrees.

Obama's re-election hopes aren't looking solid.  It's possible that the next president will be a Republican.  If so, Rupert Murdoch will personally select who he wants it to be.

This Saturday Ron Paul came within 152 votes of winning the Ames Straw Poll in Iowa.  Michelle Bachmann officially won, and has her face plastered everywhere alongside Romney and Perry, who didn't even participate in the straw poll.  Ron Paul got shafted.

There is no Ron Paul.  Repeat: There is no Ron Paul.
To put this in perspective, at the '07 Ames, Romney had over 4,500 votes, and the next closest came Huckabee, at 2,500.  This year Paul got 4,600 votes, more than Romney, who won, got last time.

Ron Paul nearly won, but if you watched the news reports, you wouldn't even know he was there.

Sarah Palin said of the poll: "They’ll cast that vote and if you can bus in enough people and can get enough people enthused enough about your candidacy, they will be there to vote for you but, again, it’s not an indication of what everybody’s thinking."

So Palin thinks voting isn't worth much.  I happen to agree, but I'm an anarchist.  It's weird to hear a potential presidential candidate piss on the idea of voting.  It's not really a good "barometer" for what people want.

I don't want to go so far as to cry conspiracy.  I will say that it's absolute bias.  And absolute bs.  Rupert Murdoch, who owns half of the world's news sources, has set a pretty low standard as far as news goes. This blog has more objectivity and less bias than Fox, and I'm a freaking psycho.  The so-called "liberal" media has done a better job covering Ron Paul than those of the Republican bias.

The people spoke in Iowa.  The people overwhelmingly chose tea party candidates.  Ron Paul scored twice as many votes as the next contender.  But the news media has tended to agree with Palin: our votes are worth piss in their eyes.


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