Win $75 worth of chocolate for your great idea

Reinvent the road. Win $75 of luxury artisan chocolate.

People scoff at me when I say we should privatize roads.  Help me prove these road socialists wrong by inventing the best road this world has ever seen.
Submit your road idea to:
Deadline: October 1st, 2011. 
Format: A picture with a description.  (Pictures can be made in any way, from crayon to photoshop.  Short, imaginative descriptions preferred).

Selected ideas will be displayed at for a public vote.

The winner will get $75 worth of Amano chocolate.*
I've already thought of the following ideas.  But you might win if you can do them better (not difficult):
  • Bikes have own roads, cars have own roads, semis have own roads.

  • Jet Packs

  • Robot Horses (cars that poop)

  • No Speed Limit.  Only dangerous driving is illegal

  • and . . .

Zip lines from hot air balloons

Water slides instead of roads
*I reserve the right to extend contest deadline, and make alterations to the contest dependent upon number of contest submissions.  By sending your idea, you give permission to use it however we want.


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